Social phobia and evasiveness: trial protocol for a randomized controlled feasibility and superiority trial of the effect of Modified Collaborative Assessment vs. standard assessment on patients’ readiness for psychotherapy (CO-ASSM-RCT)

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Background: Evasive personality disorder (AvPD) and social phobia (SP) have substantial costs for patients and their families and great economic costs to the society. While psychotherapy can be an efficacious treatment, many patients drop out during treatment. Increased knowledge on how to decrease dropout from psychotherapy is warranted, including how to increase a patient’s readiness for psychotherapy. Methods: We describe a randomized controlled feasibility and superiority trial of 42 individuals with a clinical diagnosis of either SP or AvPD, who are to initiate psychotherapeutic treatment in Danish outpatient mental health services. They will be randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either assessment-as-usual and receive no further assessment or to a Modified Collaborative Assessment (MCA) provided as a pre-treatment intervention before psychotherapy initiation. MCA will include a battery of psychological tests designed to thoroughly assess the patients’ psychopathology. The tests are administered in collaboration with the patient, including detailed oral and written feedback. We hypothesize that the intervention is feasible regarding patient’s acceptance and adherence. We further hypothesize that patients randomized to MCA will reach higher levels of readiness for psychotherapy as assessed with the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale (URICA). Discussion: This protocol assesses the feasibility, efficacy, acceptability, and safety of an intervention aimed at changing the readiness for participation in psychotherapy of patients with SP and AvPD. Results from this feasibility study could guide the development of future large-scale trials of MCA and procedures for MCA treatment fidelity assessment. Trial registration: NCT2021001.

TidsskriftPilot and Feasibility Studies
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Open access funding provided by Royal Library, Copenhagen University Library. The study has received funding from Psychiatry South, Region Zealand Mental Health Service (2.128.560 DKK), which is allocated to the PhD’s salary, and the Region Zealand PhD Tuition og Annuum fond (180.000 DKK) which is allocated to the tuition fee to the University of Copenhagen and the PhD student’s annum funds. SA is affiliated with Region Zealand Mental Health Service, where she is employed. Furthermore, the study has received competitive funding from Trygfonden (997.259 DKR) and the AP Møllers Lægefond (50.000 DKR), which will cover the running costs of the study.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, The Author(s).

ID: 369341323