Monoclonal antibodies against interleukin 13 and interleukin 31RA in development for atopic dermatitis

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The interleukin 13 (IL-13) and IL-31 cytokines and inflammatory pathways have been identified as important for the pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis (AD). Monoclonal antibodies against IL-13 have been studied for the treatment of asthma since 2011. More recently, 2 phase 2 trials have been completed with these antibodies in AD treatment. In both trials, significant reductions of Eczema Area and Severity Index scores were seen. IL-31 is thought to play a role transmitting itch sensation to the central nervous system, and blocking IL-31 activity reduces itch in patients with AD. One phase 2 trial has been completed for a humanized antibody against IL-31 receptor alpha, which is 1 subunit of the IL-31 receptor complex. This study showed significant dose-dependent reductions in pruritus, Eczema Area and Severity Index scores, and markers of sleep quality. Initial clinical trials for monoclonal antibodies against IL-13 and IL-31 receptor A all show promise, although long-term safety and efficacy data are lacking. Nevertheless, these medications will likely play a role in the treatment of moderate-to-severe AD.

TidsskriftJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Udgave nummer3, Supplement 1
Sider (fra-til)S37-S42
StatusUdgivet - 2018
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 197370415