The ovulation pattern during three consecutive menstrual cycles has a significant impact on pregnancy rate and sex of the offspring

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  • Misao Fukuda
  • Kiyomi Fukuda
  • Kenichi Tatsumi
  • Takashi Shimizu
  • Miho Nobunaga
  • Anne Grete Byskov
  • tcg964, tcg964
Identification of the ovary at the time of ovulation during three consecutive menstrual cycles results in one of eight ovulation patterns, left-left-right, right-left-right, left-right-right, and right-right-right of right-sided ovulation and right-right-left, left-right-left, right-left-left, and left-left-left of left-sided ovulation. Our data suggest that IVF and IUI treatment in cycles in which development of the preovulatory follicle(s) occurs in the right-sided ovary-and ovulations took place from the left-sided ovary in the preceding two cycles (left-left-right)-is likely to show the best pregnancy potential and high offspring sex ratio.
TidsskriftFertility and Sterility
StatusUdgivet - 4 mar. 2011

ID: 34113264