Functionality of registered automated external defibrillators

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Aims: Little is known about automated external defibrillator (AED) functionality in real-life settings. We aimed to assess the functionality of all registered AEDs in a geographically selected area and calculate the proportion of historical out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCAs) covered by non-functioning AEDs. Methods: In this cross-sectional study we inspected all registered and available AEDs on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. We collected information on battery status (determined by AED self-test) and electrode status, as well as AED availability. We identified all historical OHCAs registered with the Danish Cardiac Arrest Registry on Bornholm during 2016–2019 and calculated the proportion of OHCAs covered by an AED (regardless of functionality status) within ≤100, ≤750, and ≤1800 meters and the proportion of OHCAs covered by non-functioning AEDs. Results: Of 211 registered AEDs, 181 (81.9%) were publicly accessible and functional. The remaining 40 (18.1%) were not functional, primarily due to expired electrodes (42.5%, n = 17), obstacles to AED retrieval (20.0%, n = 8) or failed self-tests (17.5%, n = 7). Of 197 historical OHCAs, non-functional AEDs resulted in an OHCA coverage loss of 5.6%, 4.1% and 1.0 % for ≤100 m, ≤750 m and ≤1800 m, respectively. Conclusion: Almost one-fifth of all registered and publicly available AEDs were not functional, primarily due to expired electrodes, failed self-tests or obstacles to retrieving AEDs. One in twenty historical OHCA was covered by a non-functional AED. Although general AED functionality was high, this finding underlines the importance of regular AED maintenance.

Sider (fra-til)58-63
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
S. Jespersen, J. Kjoelbye, L. Andelius and F. Folke and C. Hansen have received research grants from The Danish Foundation TrygFonden. F. Folke has furthermore received grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF19OC0055142) and an unrestricted research grant from the Laerdal Foundation. TrygFonden, Novo Nordisk and Laerdal has not been involved in planning or conducting the study, interpreting the results, or drafting this manuscript.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors

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