Behandlingseffekten på reumatoid artritis for de tre eksisterende tumornekrosefaktor-alpha-haemmende behandlinger. Metaanalytisk litteraturstudie--sekundaerpublikation

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  • Robin Christensen
  • Lars Erik Kristensen
  • Pierre Geborek
  • Bente Danneskiold-Samsøe
  • Tore Saxne
  • Bliddal, Henning
  • Robin Christensen
  • Lars Erik Kristensen
  • Pierre Geborek
  • Bente Danneskiold-Samsøe
  • Tore Saxne
  • Bliddal, Henning
Absolute treatment efficacy (via number needed to treat) of rheumatoid arthritis for each of the three available anti tumour necrosis factor alpha inhibiting therapies. Our aim was to indirectly compare the long-term efficacy of the available anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) therapies in patients with established rheumatoid arthritis. The results indicate that the absolute efficacy associated with use of these anti-TNF therapies is equivalent if applied in equivalent dosages. In standard dosages, infliximab (3 mg/kg/eight weeks) is only half as effective as adalimumab (40 mg/two weeks) and etanercept (25 mg twice weekly).
Udgivelsesdato: 2009-Jun
Bidragets oversatte titelThe efficacy of the three available anti-tumour necrosis factor therapies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. A meta-analytic literature review--secondary publication
TidsskriftUgeskrift for læger
Udgave nummer26
Sider (fra-til)2192-4
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2009

ID: 20295649