Supervised exercise therapy compared with no exercise therapy to reverse debilitating effects of androgen deprivation therapy in patients with prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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  • Anja Ussing
  • Marie Louise Kirkegaard Mikkelsen
  • Brigitta Rasmussen Villumsen
  • Johnny Wejlgaard
  • Pernille Envold Bistrup
  • Kirsten Birkefoss
  • Bandholm, Thomas Quaade

Background: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in patients with prostate cancer can have several debilitating side effects. Supervised exercise is recommended to ameliorate these negative effects. Objective: To systematically evaluate the effect of supervised exercise therapy compared to no exercise therapy in patients with prostate cancer undergoing ADT, primarily according to the patient critical outcomes, ‘disease-specific quality of life’ and ‘walking performance’ measured at end of treatment. Methods: We searched PubMed/Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Cinahl and Pedro, to identify randomised controlled trials (RCTs), which investigated the effect of supervised exercise therapy compared to no exercise therapy in patients with prostate cancer receiving ADT, last search: June 2021. Two independent reviewers extracted data, and assessed risk of bias using Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool and evaluated the certainty of evidence using the GRADE-method. Results: Eigthteen RCTs (n = 1477) comprised patients with prostate cancer stages T1-T4 were included in the meta-analyses. Compared to no exercise therapy, supervised exercise therapy showed clinically relevant improvements in ‘disease-specific quality of life’ and ‘walking performance’. The standardised mean differences were 0.43 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.29, 0.58) and −0.41 (95% CI: −0.60, −0.22), respectively. The overall certainty of evidence was moderate due to serious risk of bias. Conclusions: Evidence of moderate quality shows that supervised exercise therapy probably is superior to no exercise therapy in improving ‘disease-specific quality of life’ and ‘walking performance’ in patients with prostate cancer undergoing ADT. The results apply to all patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy regardless of cancer stage. The results support a strong recommendation for supervised exercise therapy for managing side effects in this population. Protocol registration: NKR-38-Focused-questions-PICOs-for-updating1.ashx (

TidsskriftProstate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases
Sider (fra-til)491–506
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
RCT, multicenter (seven sites), parallel group, three arms. Funding: Canadian Prostate Cancer Research Fund.

Funding Information:
RCT, multicenter, partial crossover (parallel for our time point of interest), three arms. Funding: National Health and Medical Research Council, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, Cancer Council of Western Australia, and Queensland.

Funding Information:
N = 58, Tumour stage: T3–T4 Supervised exercise group (n = 28) Age, years: 66 (6.6) Number on ADT: 28 (100) Time on ADT in months: 9.0 (1.6) Control group (n = 30) Age, years: 66 (5) Number on ADT: 30 (100) Time on ADT in months: 9.0 (1.8) RCT, single center, parallel group, two arms. Main funding: Norwegian Foundation of Health and rehabilitation and the Norwegian Cancer Society.

Funding Information:
The study was initiated, financed and approved by the Danish Health Authority. The Danish Health Authority approved the design and conduct of the study. The interpretation of the results for this article, and the preparation, review and approval of this manuscript was conducted independent of the sponsor. The Parker Institute, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospital, is supported by a core grant from the Oak Foundation (OCAY-18-774_OFIL).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s).

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