Managing Incidental Findings Reported by Medical, Sonography and Other Students Performing Educational Ultrasound Examinations

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  • Christoph F. Dietrich
  • Alan G. Fraser
  • Yi Dong
  • Sabine Guth
  • Roman Hari
  • Beatrice Hoffmann
  • Helmut Prosch
  • Robin Walter
  • Jacques S. Abramowicz
  • Nolsøe, Christian
  • Michael Blaivas

The evolution of ultrasound imaging into a key technology for diagnostic practice has resulted in its incorporation into the education of medical students worldwide. Although the introduction of ultrasound into medical schools’ curricula is relatively recent, training of sonographers and other ultrasound users is mature. Ultrasound is being used in a variety of learning environments and clinical settings, from courses in anatomy and physiology to clinical rotations where medical and other students may scan healthy volunteers or patients, sometimes with little to no supervision. Educators may be apprehensive about a perceived high likelihood that students will encounter unexpected findings during these sessions, which could distress the patient or ultrasound model as well as the student, and result in problems that would be more pronounced if such incidental findings are complex. Policies are needed to address how to manage incidental ultrasound findings that are identified during educational activities. This article summarizes the background and provides a framework for establishing and implementing a well-designed and thoughtful approach for dealing with incidental findings observed in volunteer subjects by medical students during training courses in ultrasound diagnostic scanning. Subject confidentiality should be respected, and review of incidental findings should be transparent without provoking unnecessary anxiety. It is the responsibility of the instructor or supervisor to ensure adequate clinical follow-up if indicated.

TidsskriftUltrasound in Medicine and Biology
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)180-187
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology

ID: 315269039