Narrative and play-based interviewing - a framework for eliciting the perspectives of young children

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The aim of this article is to provide researchers a detailed framework for conducting high-quality research with young children 3–6 years of age. We argue that young children’s insider perspectives, perceptions and experiences are underrepresented in research owing to methodological challenges. In this article, we present a narrative and play-based approach to eliciting the perspectives of young children, 3–6 years of age, through a developmentally sensitive and child-centred approach to interviewing. We will present a practical step-by-step guide to conducting narrative and play-based interviews with young children. Throughout the article, we will provide practical examples and insights from young children. We will discuss the theory and guiding principles of child-centredness and the child’s perspective that underpin the method. Last, we will consider the advantages and limitations of the method.
TidsskriftQualitative Research in Psychology
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)337-362
StatusUdgivet - 2023

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