An explorative study of nurses' perception of turnover and retention

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Nurse turnover is a global concern with important implications for patient safety. Below-target level staffing of nurses is associated with increased patient mortality, underlining the need to match staffing levels with patient needs [1]. However, turnover problems are complex [2]. Importantly, it has been shown that nurses experiencing lower levels of autonomy and less support from their peers increasingly consider leaving their job [3]. Turnover of nurses is costly for healthcare organisations, though studies have reached different conclusions regarding costs [4]. In general, nurse turnover is high in internal medical wards. However, an understanding of the reasons why nurses leave their job and what may encourage them stay are needed to inform and plan the necessary interventions. Although a large body of literature addresses the problem and its influencing factors, high turnover rates remain a problem [5]. Interactive methods, such as table-top simulation, have successfully been used to explore potential challenges and solutions in the preparation of surgical patients [6-8]. The researchers speculated that this interactive method may be used to explore the determinants of nurse turnover and reveal facilitators for nurse retention, potentially providing new insights and solutions. The aim of this study was to explore newly graduated nurses´(NGN), experienced nurses´ and nurse supervisors´ perceptions of determinants of nurse turnover and retention using table-top simulation.
TidsskriftDanish Medical Journal
Udgave nummer10
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Published under Open Access CC-BY-NC-BD 4.0.

ID: 384865617