Do Ahlbäck scores identify subgroups with different magnitudes of cartilage thickness loss in patients with moderate to severe radiographic osteoarthritis? One-year follow-up data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

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Objective: Kellgren-Lawrence grades (KLG) are frequently used for patient selection in clinical trials. The Ahlbäck radiographic grading system has been developed for moderate and severe knee OA. KLG 3 is comparable to Ahlbäck 1 and KLG 4 is subdivided into Ahlbäck 2–5. The objective of this study was to investigate if the Ahlbäck scoring system is able to subdivide patients with moderate to severe knee OA (KLG 3/4) into groups with different sensitivity to change in cartilage thickness. Materials and methods: This study was based on 108 Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) participants with KLG 3/4. Baseline KLG scores were available from the OAI database; Ahlbäck scores were performed using the same x-rays. Cartilage thickness change in the weight-bearing femorotibial cartilage was analysed from baseline and year 1 3D FLASH MRI for the entire femorotibial joint (FTJ), the medial (MFTC) and the lateral compartment (LFTC) and for the location-independent ordered values 1 and 16 (OV 1/OV 16) representing the subregions with largest loss (OV 1) and gain (OV 16) within each knee. Results: Of the 108 patients, n = 30/78 had KLG 3/4. The corresponding Ahlbäck scores (1–5) were n = 30/33/36/9/10. Cartilage thickness changes between Ahlbäck groups showed no statistically significant difference for FTJ, MFTC, LFTC and OV 1, but change in OV 16 was significantly higher in Ahlbäck 4 knees (p = 0.03) compared to Ahlbäck 1–3 knees. Conclusion: Radiographic knee OA grading with Ahlbäck scores was not superior to KLG for prediction of cartilage thickness loss over 1 year, in patients with moderate and severe knee OA supporting the continuous use of the easier and more widely used KLG.

TidsskriftSkeletal Radiology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)777-782
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors thank the following operators at Chondrometrics GmbH: Gudrun Goldmann, Linda Jakobi, Manuela Kunz, Dr. Susanne Maschek, Jana Matthes, Sabine Mühlsimer, Annette Thebis, and Dr. Barbara Wehr for the segmentation of the MRI data. We thank Susanne Maschek for quality control readings of the segmentations. Further, the authors would like to thank the readers of the fixed flexion radiographs at Boston University for the central KL grading, the OAI investigators, clinic staff and OAI participants at each of the OAI clinical centres and the team at the OAI coordinating centre for their contributions in acquiring the publicly available clinical and imaging data.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, ISS.

ID: 313781642