Kateterbaseret aortaklapsubstitution. Initiale erfaringer med implantation af stentklap

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Hans Henrik Møller Nielsen
  • Henning Rud Andersen
  • Hjortdal, Vibeke Elisabeth
  • Kaj-Erik Klaaborg
  • Carl-Johan Jakobsen
  • Henrik Egeblad
  • Kim Terp
  • Christian Lindskov
  • Erik Sloth
  • Steen Hvidtfeldt Poulsen
  • Ingeborg Bøing
  • Leif Thuesen

INTRODUCTION: Recent years have seen the introduction of catheter-based aortic valve substitution with stent valves to treat aortic valve stenosis in patients who were deemed inoperable via conventional open heart surgery. We here report our initial experience.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Register-based study with prospective registration of prespecified parameters. A total of 26 patients were treated with an aortic stent valve, 12 via transfemoral (TFA-AVI) and 14 via transapical (TAP-AVI) access. In the TFA-AVI group, 75% were women and the average age was 85 4.5 years; in the TAP-AVI group, 71% were women and the average age was 79 8.4 years.

RESULTS: In the TFA-AVI group, successful stent valve implantation was performed in 9/12 (75%) and TAP-AVI in 13/14 (93%) patients. Mortality after 30 days was 25% in the TFA-AVI and 7% in the TAP-AVI group. The aortic valve area increased from 0.6 0.13 cm(2) to 1.6 0.39 (2) in the TFA-AVI group and from 0.7 0.2 (2) to 1.6 0.37 (2) in the TAP-AVI group. 91% of patients showed clinical improvement after treatment.

CONCLUSION: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation of conventional unresectable patients requires close cooperation between different specialities. The treatment seems to be a realistic alternative to medical treatment for inoperable patients and may even be used in operable high-risk patients.

Translated title of the contributionCatheter-based aortic valve substitution. Initial experiences with stent valve implantation
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number33
Pages (from-to)2277-81
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2009

ID: 242714387