2021 EULAR recommendations for the implementation of self-management strategies in patients with inflammatory arthritis

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Elena Nikiphorou
  • Eduardo José Ferreira Santos
  • Andrea Marques
  • Peter Böhm
  • Johannes W.J. Bijlsma
  • Claire Immediato Daien
  • Esbensen, Bente Appel
  • Ricardo J.O. Ferreira
  • George E. Fragoulis
  • Pat Holmes
  • Hayley McBain
  • George S. Metsios
  • Rikke Helene Moe
  • Tanja A. Stamm
  • Annettede De Thurah
  • Condruta Zabalan
  • Loreto Carmona
  • Ailsa Bosworth

Background: An important but often insufficient aspect of care in people with inflammatory arthritis (IA) is empowering patients to acquire a good understanding of their disease and building their ability to deal effectively with the practical, physical and psychological impacts of it. Self-management skills can be helpful in this regard. Objectives: To develop recommendations for the implementation of self-management strategies in IA. Methods: A multidisciplinary taskforce of 18 members from 11 European countries was convened. A systematic review and other supportive information (survey of healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patient organisations) were used to formulate the recommendations. Results: Three overarching principles and nine recommendations were formulated. These focused on empowering patients to become active partners of the team and to take a more proactive role. The importance of patient education and key self-management interventions such as problem solving, goal setting and cognitive behavioural therapy were highlighted. Role of patient organisations and HCPs in promoting and signposting patients to available resources has been highlighted through the promotion of physical activity, lifestyle advice, support with mental health aspects and ability to remain at work. Digital healthcare is essential in supporting and optimising self-management and the HCPs need to be aware of available resources to signpost patients. Conclusion: These recommendations support the inclusion of self-management advice and resources in the routine management of people with IA and aim to empower and support patients and encourage a more holistic, patient-centred approach to care which could result in improved patient experience of care and outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Issue number10
Pages (from-to)1278-1285
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ.

    Research areas

  • ankylosing, arthritis, health care, outcome assessment, psoriatic, rheumatoid, spondylitis

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ID: 269621861