Diagnostic flexible pharyngo-laryngoscopy: development of a procedure specific assessment tool using a Delphi methodology

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

Purpose: Proper training and assessment of skill in flexible pharyngo-laryngoscopy are central in the education of otorhinolaryngologists. To facilitate an evidence-based approach to curriculum development in this field, a structured analysis of what constitutes flexible pharyngo-laryngoscopy is necessary. Our aim was to develop an assessment tool based on this analysis. Methods: We conducted an international Delphi study involving experts from twelve countries in five continents. Utilizing reiterative assessment, the panel defined the procedure and reached consensus (defined as 80% agreement) on the phrasing of an assessment tool. Results: Fifty panelists completed the Delphi process. The median age of the panelists was 44 years (range 33–64 years). Median experience in otorhinolaryngology was 15 years (range 6–35 years). Twenty-five were specialized in laryngology, 16 were head and neck surgeons, and nine were general otorhinolaryngologists. An assessment tool was created consisting of twelve distinct items.: Conclusion The gathering of validity evidence for assessment of core procedural skills within Otorhinolaryngology is central to the development of a competence-based education. The use of an international Delphi panel allows for the creation of an assessment tool which is widely applicable and valid. This work allows for an informed approach to technical skills training for flexible pharyngo-laryngoscopy and as further validity evidence is gathered allows for a valid assessment of clinical performance within this important skillset.

Original languageEnglish
JournalEuropean Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
Issue number5
Pages (from-to)1319-1325
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • Assessment tool, Delphi-study, Education, Flexible laryngoscopy, Technical skills

ID: 217697893