Tobias Todsen

Tobias Todsen

Klinisk lektor

Medlem af:

  • Oto-rhino-laryngologi

I am a senior registrar in Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery and clinical researcher in head and neck ultrasound. I teach ultrasound at a pre- and postgraduate level, and I am a part of a global health initiative to promote surgeon-performed ultrasound in resource-limited countries. Before my specialization, I received broad clinical training as a Foundation Doctor with 18-month rotation between the Dept. of Internal Medicine, Surgery, and General Medicine at Queen Ingrid's Hospital in Greenland. I have been teaching clinical skills and conducted educational research for more than ten years and have skills within producing educational videos, virtual reality content and online apps with more than 50.000 views yearly:  |  |  youtube  |

Primære forskningsområder

Ultrasound, Head and Neck Surgery, Medical Education, E-learning, Global Outreach

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