Assumed non-persistent environmental chemicals in human adipose tissue; matrix stability and correlation with levels measured in urine and serum

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  • F Artacho-Cordón
  • J P Arrebola
  • O Nielsen
  • P Hernández
  • Skakkebæk, Niels Erik
  • M F Fernández
  • A M Andersson
  • N Olea
  • H Frederiksen

The aim of this study was to (1) optimize a method for the measurement of parabens and phenols in adipose tissue, (2) evaluate the stability of chemical residues in adipose tissue samples, and (3) study correlations of these compounds in urine, serum, and adipose tissue. Samples were obtained from adults undergoing trauma surgery. Nine phenols and seven parabens were determined by isotope diluted TurboFlow-LC-MS/MS. The analytical method showed good accuracy and precision. Limits of detection (LOD) for parabens and phenols ranged from 0.05 to 1.83ng/g tissue. Good recovery rates were found, even when biological samples remained defrosted up to 24h. Benzophenone-3 (BP-3; range of values: <LOD-1.48ng/g tissue) and methylparaben (MeP; <LOD-1.78ng/g tissue) were detected in >70% of adipose tissue samples, while bisphenol-A (BPA; <LOD-3.28ng/g tissue) and 2-phenylphenol (2-PP; <LOD-0.78ng/g tissue) were detected in >40% of adipose tissue samples. In general, levels were similar between adipose tissue and serum, while a correlation between adipose tissue and urine was only found for BP-3. In conclusion, adipose tissue samples in this study were found to contain environmental chemicals considered to be non-persistent, whose levels were weakly or not at all correlated with the urine burden. Therefore, adipose tissue may potentially provide additional information to that obtained from other biological matrices. Further investigations are warranted to explore whether adipose tissue might be a suitable matrix for assessment of the consequences for human health of mid/long-term exposure to these chemicals.

TidsskriftEnvironmental Research
Sider (fra-til)120-127
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - jul. 2017

ID: 196877413