COPE-ICD: a randomised clinical trial studying the effects and meaning of a comprehensive rehabilitation programme for ICD recipients -design, intervention and population

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  • Selina Kikkenborg Berg
  • Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup
  • Ann-Dorthe Zwisler
  • Birthe Dagmar Pedersen
  • Pernille Preisler
  • Lone Siersbæk-Hansen
  • Mette B Hansen
  • Rune Nielsen
  • Preben Ulrich Pedersen
Growing evidence exists that living with an ICD can lead to fear and avoidance behaviour including the avoidance of physical activity. It has been suggested that psychological stress can increase the risk of shock and predict death. Small studies have indicated a beneficial effect arising from exercise training and psychological intervention, therefore a large-scale rehabilitation programme was set up.
TidsskriftB M C Cardiovascular Disorders
Sider (fra-til)33
StatusUdgivet - 2011

ID: 40219020