Endocrine outcome and seminal parameters in young adult men born with hypospadias: A cross-sectional cohort study

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  • Lloyd J. W. Tack
  • Anne Françoise Spinoit
  • Piet Hoebeke
  • Stefan Riedl
  • Alexander Springer
  • Ursula Tonnhofer
  • Manuela Hiess
  • Julia Weninger
  • Ahmed Mahmoud
  • Kelly Tilleman
  • Erik Van Laecke
  • Juul, Anders
  • Jakob Albrethsen
  • Elfride De Baere
  • Julie Van De Velde
  • Hannah Verdin
  • Martine Cools

Background: Hypospadias affects around 1/200 newborn males. Intrauterine testicular dysfunction may underlie a subset of cases. The long-term endocrine and reproductive outcomes in these men remain largely unknown. Methods: Cross-sectional study in Ghent and Vienna University Hospitals to assess the endocrine and seminal parameters of young adult men (16–21 years) born with non-syndromic hypospadias (NSH) (n = 193) compared to healthy typical males (n = 50). Assessments included physical exam, semen analysis, hormone assays and exome-based gene panel analysis (474 genes). Findings: All participants had experienced a spontaneous puberty, in spite of higher LH and INSL3 levels than typical males. Oligo- or azoospermia was observed in 32/172 (18·6%; 99%-CI: 12·2–27·4%) of NSH men; but in 5/16 (31·3%; 99%-CI: 11·1;62·4%) of complex NSH men and in 13/22 (59·1%; 99%-CI: 33·2–80·7%) of those born small for gestational age (SGA). No (likely) pathogenic coding variants were found in the investigated genes. Suboptimal statural growth affected 8/23 (34·8%; 99%-CI: 15·4–61·0%) of men born SGA with NSH. Interpretation: Spermatogenesis is significantly compromised in NSH men, especially in those born SGA or those with complex NSH. Long-term andrological follow-up is recommended, including end-pubertal semen analysis. No clear monogenic causes could be demonstrated in our cohort even in proximal or complex NSH. Being born SGA with NSH is frequently associated with poor catch-up growth, requiring growth hormone therapy in some. Funding: Research grants from the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, the Belgian Society of Pediatrics, the Belgian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology and the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO).

Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank the statistics department of the faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of Ghent University for their guidance on data analysis. We thank all participants for their time and willingness to provide multiple blood and semen samples. LT received research grants from the European Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, the Belgian Society of Pediatrics, the Belgian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology and the Research Foundation Flanders. MC and EDB are supported by senior clinical investigator grants from the Research Foundation Flanders.

Funding Information:
LT and MC were responsible for funding acquisition. All authors contributed to the conceptualization and methodology. Investigations were performed by LT, AFS, AS, SR, UT, JW, MH, PH, EV, JVDV, KT and AM. LT, MC, MH, AFS, EDB, HV, JA and AJ were responsible for formal analysis and data curation. Verification of the underlying data was performed by LT, MC, AFS and HV. All authors participated in the writing and critical review of the manuscript. All authors approved this manuscript and approved submission for publication. MC was responsible for overall coordination of the study. The data were accessed and verified by LT, MC, AFS and HV.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors

ID: 326465596