Strengthening nursing role and functions in stroke rehabilitation 24/7: A mixed-methods study assessing the feasibility and acceptability of an educational intervention programme

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Aim: To assess the feasibility of a nursing educational intervention for inpatient stroke rehabilitation and its acceptability from the nursing staff’s perspective. Background: There is currently a lack of interventions that integrate the diversity of nurses’ role and functions in stroke rehabilitation and explore their effect on patient outcomes. Design: We used a convergent, parallel, mixed-method design with data interviews and questionnaires. Methods: Data collection was undertaken between February - July 2016. Data from questionnaires (N = 31) were analysed using descriptive statistics. The interviews (N = 10) were analysed using deductive content analysis. Results: There was a high level of satisfaction with the educational programme in terms of its acceptability and feasibility. The qualitative findings disclosed the nursing staff's experiences with the educational programme. Mixed-methods analysis showed confirmatory results that were convergent and expanded. Only minor adjustments are required before an effect study can be conducted.

TidsskriftNursing Open
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)162-174
StatusUdgivet - 2019

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