The Sertoli cell hormones inhibin-B and anti Müllerian hormone have different patterns of secretion in prepubertal cryptorchid boys

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OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES: The Sertoli-cells produce inhibin-B and Anti-Müllerian-Hormone (AMH). Much is still unknown about these hormones in prepubertal cryptorchids. The Sertoli-cells are mandatory for germ cell development. The aim of the study was to investigate if there are differences in secretion pattern of Sertoli-cell hormones and their gonadotropin feed-back mechanisms.

METHODS: Included were 94 prepubertal cryptorchid boys 0.5-13.1years with measurements of serum-inhibin-B, Anti-Müllerian-Hormone (AMH), Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulation Hormone (FSH). The serum values were measured using commercially available kits. The hormonal values were related to age-matched normal values. Testicular biopsy was taken at orchiopexy.

RESULTS: Inhibin-B positively correlated to AMH for 1-13year-old patients (p<0.0001), but not for 0.5-1year-old patients (p=0.439). For 0.5-1year-old patients inhibin-B-values tended to decrease (p=0.055), in contrast to AMH-values (p=0.852). LH was elevated more often than FSH (p=0.014). FSH and LH were positively associated in patients both 0.5-1year (p=0.042) and 1-13years of age (p<0.0001). LH correlated positively to inhibin- B (p=0.001). In contrast, FSH did not correlate to inhibin-B or AMH (p=0.755 and p=0.528). The number of A-dark spermatogonia per tubular transverse section was positively correlated to inhibin-B serum level.

CONCLUSION: Our new finding of an association between LH and inhibin-B in infancy of cryptorchid boys may be essential for the transformation of gonocytes to A-dark spermatogonia. Previously, LH associated to inhibin-B was described in early puberty only. During the first year of life inhibin-B values decreased faster than AMH. The AMH-levels may just reflect the increased Sertoli cell number that occurs during the first 3months of life.

TidsskriftJournal of Pediatric Surgery
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)475-80
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - mar. 2016

ID: 164442773