What does “Advanced” mean in 2023? reflecting on 10 years of the ESTRO advanced Skills in modern radiotherapy course

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  • E. Forde
  • Josipovic, Mirjana
  • M. Kamphuis
  • J. Lopez
  • P. Remeijer
  • S. Rivera
  • P. Scherer
  • L. Wiersema
  • R. de Jong
The roles and responsibilities of radiation therapists (RTTs) are many and varied. Professional expectations are influenced by the technology available, as well as the level of autonomy RTTs have in their daily practice. This professional range requires RTTs to possess a unique set of ever evolving skills, posing challenges from an educational perspective.

Teaching these “advanced skills” has been the ambition the ESTRO Advanced Skills in Modern Radiotherapy course. In the 10th year of this course, the Faculty look back and reflect on how our programme has evolved and what it has achieved.
TidsskriftTechnical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We would like to acknowledge the support of the ESTRO office staff and the ESTRO School, specifically Melissa Vanderijst, Elena Giusti, Karolina Kowalska, and Miika Palmu. We acknowledge the vendors (Varian and Elekta) for their continued support of our course, providing opportunities for simulation-based learning. We would also like to acknowledge our guest lecturers over the years; Mischa Hoogeman, Marianne Aznar, Agnella Craig, Maaike Milder, Marco Schwarz, Dirk Verellen, Tom Depuydt, Luis Alberto Perez Romasanta, and Charlotte Robert. We also take this opportunity to welcome our newest faculty members, Helen Grimes and Sophie Bockel, who will join us officially in 2024. Finally, we would like to thank all our participants who have made each and every course so unique and enjoyable.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)

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