Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products marketed for children in Denmark

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Background: Fragrances are among the most common contact allergens in children. Cosmetic products are the most frequent source of skin exposure. Objective: To investigate exposure to fragrance allergens among Danish children, based on a sample of 1179 cosmetic products marketed for children. Methods: Information regarding cosmetic products marketed to children was obtained using a non-profit smartphone application registry, with data from December 2015 to November 2022. Results: The number of validated products was 26 537, of which 1349 marketed for children. After elimination of duplicates, 1179 (4.4%) individual products remained. The majority 53.8% (634/1179) of the products were fragranced. The highest frequency of declared fragrances was found in ‘Facial care’-products: 93.0% (80/86), of which 97.7% were lip balms. The highest number of labelled fragrances in one single product (n = 16) was found in a baby perfume. Fragrance mix I (FMI) or II (FMII) allergens were found in 25.3% (298/1179) of the products. Limonene and linalool were the two most frequently labelled fragrance allergens. Conclusion: Children can be exposed to a vast number of fragrance allergens from scented cosmetic products. Allergens from FM I and FMII are widely used in cosmetic products marketed to children. Patch testing with FMI and FMII remains relevant in children.

BogserieContact Dermatitis
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)374-381
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We would like to thank Claus Jørgensen, Stine Müller, Christel Søgaard Kirkeby and Anne Beck Christensen from the Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemistry for proving us with raw data from the smartphone application Kemiluppen.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Contact Dermatitis published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

ID: 371019728