Glove use among hairdressers: difficulties in the correct use of gloves among hairdressers and the effect of education

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BACKGROUND: Hand eczema is frequent among Danish hairdressers, and they are advised to use gloves as protection. However, studies indicate that a significant proportion use gloves inappropriately.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether hairdressers and apprentices use protective gloves in the correct way, and to determine whether a demonstration of correct use could cause an improvement.

METHODS: Forty-three hairdressers and apprentices were asked to perform a hair wash while wearing gloves. The shampoo used was contaminated with an ultraviolet (UV) trace material. Two rounds of hair washing were carried out by each person, interrupted by a demonstration of how to use gloves correctly. Photographs were taken to compare UV contamination before and after the demonstration.

RESULTS: All of the participants (100%) had their hands contaminated during the first round; the area ranged between 0.02 and 101.37 cm(2) (median 3.62 cm(2)). In the second round, 55.8% were contaminated (range 0.00-3.08 cm(2) ; median 0.01 cm(2)). The reduction in contaminated skin areas was statistically significant (p < 0.001), proving an effect of the glove demonstration. There were no significant differences between hairdressers and apprentices.

CONCLUSIONS: Hairdressers and apprentices lack knowledge on how to handle gloves correctly. A short demonstration of correct glove use made a significant difference in the skin protection provided by gloves.

TidsskriftContact Dermatitis
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)362-6
Antal sider5
StatusUdgivet - jun. 2015

ID: 161695645