Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with combined TP53 mutation and MIR34A methylation: Another “double hit” lymphoma with very poor outcome?

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  • Fazila Asmar
  • Christoffer Hother
  • Gorjan Kulosman
  • Marianne Bach Treppendahl
  • Helene Myrtue Nielsen
  • Ulrik Ralfkiaer
  • Anja Pedersen
  • Michael Boe Møller
  • Elisabeth Ralfkiaer
  • Peter de Nully Brown
  • Grønbæk, Kirsten
MiR34A, B and C have been implicated in lymphomagenesis, but information on their role in normal CD19+ B-cells (PBL-B) and de novo diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is limited. We show that in normal and activated B-cells miR34A-5p plays a dominant role compared to other miR34 family members. Only miR34A-5p is expressed in PBL-B, and significantly induced in activated B-cells and reactive lymph nodes. In PBL-B, the MIR34A and MIR34B/C promoters are unmethylated, but the latter shows enrichment for the H3K4me3/H3K27me3 silencing mark. Nine de novo DLBCL cases (n=150) carry both TP53 mutation and MIR34A methylation ("double hit") and these patients have an exceedingly poor prognosis with a median survival of 9.4 months (P<0.0001), while neither TP53 mutation, MIR34A or MIR34B/C promoter methylation alone ("single hit") influence on survival. The TP53/MIR34A "double-hit" is an independent negative prognostic factor for survival (P=0.0002). In 2 DLBCL-cell lines with both TP53 mutation and promoter methylation of MIR34A, miR34A-5p is upregulated by 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine. Thus, the TP53/MIR34A "double hit" characterizes a very aggressive subgroup of DLBCL, which may be treatable with epigenetic therapy prior to or in combination with conventional immunochemotherapy.
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)1912-25
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 15 apr. 2014

ID: 138549705