Immune-monitoring of myelodysplastic neoplasms: Recommendations from the i4MDS consortium

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  • i4MDS consortium

Advancements in comprehending myelodysplastic neoplasms (MDS) have unfolded significantly in recent years, elucidating a myriad of cellular and molecular underpinnings integral to disease progression. While molecular inclusions into prognostic models have substantively advanced risk stratification, recent revelations have emphasized the pivotal role of immune dysregulation within the bone marrow milieu during MDS evolution. Nonetheless, immunotherapy for MDS has not experienced breakthroughs seen in other malignancies, partly attributable to the absence of an immune classification that could stratify patients toward optimally targeted immunotherapeutic approaches. A pivotal obstacle to establishing “immune classes” among MDS patients is the absence of validated accepted immune panels suitable for routine application in clinical laboratories. In response, we formed International Integrative Innovative Immunology for MDS (i4MDS), a consortium of multidisciplinary experts, and created the following recommendations for standardized methodologies to monitor immune responses in MDS. A central goal of i4MDS is the development of an immune score that could be incorporated into current clinical risk stratification models. This position paper first consolidates current knowledge on MDS immunology. Subsequently, in collaboration with clinical and laboratory specialists, we introduce flow cytometry panels and cytokine assays, meticulously devised for clinical laboratories, aiming to monitor the immune status of MDS patients, evaluating both immune fitness and identifying potential immune “risk factors.” By amalgamating this immunological characterization data and molecular data, we aim to enhance patient stratification, identify predictive markers for treatment responsiveness, and accelerate the development of systems immunology tools and innovative immunotherapies.

Udgave nummer5
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the CRUK City of London Centre Award [CTRQQR-2021/100004] at KCL. C. A. T. is supported by SIE\u2014Societ\u00E0 Italiana di Ematologia and the Association \u201CAmici di Beat Leukemia Dr. Alessandro Cevenini ONLUS\u201D ( M. G. D. P. is supported by European Union-Next Generation EU-NRRP M6C2 (Investment 2.1 Enhancement and strengthening of biomedical research in the NHS\u2014Project PNRR-MAD-2022-12376695); AIRC Foundation (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro, Milan Italy\u2014Project #22053); 5 \u00D7 1000 MYNERVA (Myeloid Neoplasms Research Venture AIRC-project #21267). V. S. is supported by AIRC project IG 26537-2021.

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the CRUK City of London Centre Award [CTRQQR\u20102021/100004] at KCL. C. A. T. is supported by SIE\u2014Societ\u00E0 Italiana di Ematologia and the Association \u201CAmici di Beat Leukemia Dr. Alessandro Cevenini ONLUS\u201D ( ). M. G. D. P. is supported by European Union\u2010Next Generation EU\u2010NRRP M6C2 (Investment 2.1 Enhancement and strengthening of biomedical research in the NHS\u2014Project PNRR\u2010MAD\u20102022\u201012376695); AIRC Foundation (Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca contro il Cancro, Milan Italy\u2014Project #22053); 5\u2009\u00D7\u20091000 MYNERVA (Myeloid Neoplasms Research Venture AIRC\u2010project #21267). V. S. is supported by AIRC project IG 26537\u20102021.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 The Authors. HemaSphere published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Hematology Association.

ID: 392879958