Late Presentation for Care Among Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C: Prevalence and Risk Factors

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    Forlagets udgivne version, 136 KB, PDF-dokument

  • Janne Fuglsang Hansen
  • Sofie Hallager
  • Anne Øvrehus
  • Weis, Nina
  • Peer Brehm Christensen
  • Court Pedersen

Patients with chronic hepatitis C may have advanced fibrosis at first evaluation. Using the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) definition (FibroScan® >9.5 kPa) for "late presenter for care" (LP), we found that 32% (169 of 527) of patients were LP. Being a LP was associated with increasing age and a history of alcohol overuse.

TidsskriftOpen Forum Infectious Diseases
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)ofx257
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2018

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