Determinants of a short convalescence after laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair

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  • Mette Astrup Tolver
  • Pernille Strandfelt
  • Gert Forsberg
  • Flemming Piil Hjørne
  • Rosenberg, Jacob
  • Thue Bisgaard
Evidence-based recommendations for the expected duration of convalescence after laparoscopic groin hernia repair are not available, and objective reasons for prolonged convalescence are not clear. Our main aim was to establish the expected duration of convalescence using preoperative recommendations to the patient and to identify the limiting factors for early (postoperative) resumption of normal activities after laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal inguinal herniorraphy (TAPP).
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)556-63
Antal sider8
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 40192035