Actionability and familial uptake following opportunistic genomic screening in a pediatric cancer cohort

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The care for patients with serious conditions is increasingly guided by genomic medicine, and genomic medicine may equally transform care for healthy individual if genomic population screening is implemented. This study examines the medical impact of opportunistic genomic screening (OGS) in a cohort of patients undergoing comprehensive genomic germline DNA testing for childhood cancer, including the impact on their relatives. Medical actionability and uptake after cascade testing in the period following disclosure of OGS results was quantified. A secondary finding was reported to 19/595 (3.2%) probands primarily in genes related to cardiovascular and lipid disorders. After a mean follow up time of 1.6 years (Interquartile range (IQR): 0.57-1.92 yrs.) only 12 (63%) of these variants were found to be medically actionable. Clinical follow up or treatment was planned in 16 relatives, and as in the probands, the prescribed treatment was primarily betablockers or cholesterol lowering therapy. No invasive procedures or implantation of medical devices were performed in probands or relatives, and no reproductive counseling was requested. After an average of 1.6 years of follow-up 2.25 relatives per family with an actionable finding had been tested. This real-world experience of OGS grants new insight into the practical implementation effects and derived health care demands of genotype-first screening. The resulting health care effect and impact on demand for genetic counseling and workup in relatives extends beyond the effect in the probands.

TidsskriftEuropean Journal of Human Genetics
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)846-857
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was financially supported by the Danish Childhood Cancer Foundation, The Danish Cancer Society, The European Union\u2019s Interregional \u00D8resund\u2013Kattegat\u2013Skagerrak grant. No funding sources played a role in study design, data collection, analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Open access funding provided by National Hospital.

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 393268463