Association of the CHEK2 c.1100delC variant, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with contralateral breast cancer risk and breast cancer-specific survival

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  • Anna Morra
  • Maartje A. C. Schreurs
  • Irene L. Andrulis
  • Hoda Anton-Culver
  • Annelie Augustinsson
  • Matthias W. Beckmann
  • Sabine Behrens
  • Bojesen, Stig Egil
  • Manjeet K. Bolla
  • Hiltrud Brauch
  • Annegien Broeks
  • Saundra S. Buys
  • Nicola J. Camp
  • Jose E. Castelao
  • Melissa H. Cessna
  • Jenny Chang-Claude
  • Wendy K. Chung
  • Sarah V. Colonna
  • Fergus J. Couch
  • Angela Cox
  • Simon S. Cross
  • Kamila Czene
  • Mary B. Daly
  • Joe Dennis
  • Peter Devilee
  • Thilo Dörk
  • Alison M. Dunning
  • Miriam Dwek
  • Douglas F. Easton
  • Diana M. Eccles
  • Mikael Eriksson
  • D. Gareth Evans
  • Peter A. Fasching
  • Tanja N. Fehm
  • Jonine D. Figueroa
  • Henrik Flyger
  • Marike Gabrielson
  • Manuela Gago-Dominguez
  • Montserrat García-Closas
  • José A. García-Sáenz
  • Jeanine Genkinger
  • Felix Grassmann
  • Melanie Gündert
  • Eric Hahnen
  • Christopher A. Haiman
  • Ute Hamann
  • Patricia A. Harrington
  • Jaana M. Hartikainen
  • Reiner Hoppe
  • John L. Hopper
  • Richard S. Houlston
  • Anthony Howell
  • Anna Jakubowska
  • Wolfgang Janni
  • Helena Jernström
  • Esther M. John
  • Nichola Johnson
  • Michael E. Jones
  • Vessela N. Kristensen
  • Allison W. Kurian
  • Diether Lambrechts
  • Loic Le Marchand
  • Annika Lindblom
  • Jan Lubiński
  • Michael P. Lux
  • Arto Mannermaa
  • Dimitrios Mavroudis
  • Anna Marie Mulligan
  • Taru A. Muranen
  • Heli Nevanlinna
  • Ines Nevelsteen
  • Patrick Neven
  • William G. Newman
  • Nadia Obi
  • Kenneth Offit
  • Andrew F. Olshan
  • Tjoung-Won Park-Simon
  • Alpa V. Patel
  • Paolo Peterlongo
  • Kelly-Anne Phillips
  • Dijana Plaseska-Karanfilska
  • Eric C. Polley
  • Nadege Presneau
  • Katri Pylkäs
  • Brigitte Rack
  • Paolo Radice
  • Muhammad U. Rashid
  • Valerie Rhenius
  • Mark Robson
  • Atocha Romero
  • Emmanouil Saloustros
  • Elinor J. Sawyer
  • Rita K. Schmutzler
  • Sabine Schuetze
  • Christopher Scott
  • Mitul Shah
  • Snezhana Smichkoska
  • Melissa C. Southey
  • William J. Tapper
  • Lauren R. Teras
  • Rob A. E. M. Tollenaar
  • Katarzyna Tomczyk
  • Ian Tomlinson
  • Melissa A. Troester
  • Celine M. Vachon
  • Elke M. van Veen
  • Qin Wang
  • Camilla Wendt
  • Hans Wildiers
  • Robert Winqvist
  • Argyrios Ziogas
  • Per Hall
  • Paul D. P. Pharoah
  • Muriel A. Adank
  • Antoinette Hollestelle
  • Marjanka K. Schmidt
  • Maartje J. Hooning
  • NBCS Collaborators
  • ABCTB Investigators
  • kConFab Investigators

Background: Breast cancer (BC) patients with a germline CHEK2 c.1100delC variant have an increased risk of contralateral BC (CBC) and worse BC-specific survival (BCSS) compared to non-carriers. Aim: To assessed the associations of CHEK2 c.1100delC, radiotherapy, and systemic treatment with CBC risk and BCSS. Methods: Analyses were based on 82,701 women diagnosed with a first primary invasive BC including 963 CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers; median follow-up was 9.1 years. Differential associations with treatment by CHEK2 c.1100delC status were tested by including interaction terms in a multivariable Cox regression model. A multi-state model was used for further insight into the relation between CHEK2 c.1100delC status, treatment, CBC risk and death. Results: There was no evidence for differential associations of therapy with CBC risk by CHEK2 c.1100delC status. The strongest association with reduced CBC risk was observed for the combination of chemotherapy and endocrine therapy [HR (95% CI): 0.66 (0.55–0.78)]. No association was observed with radiotherapy. Results from the multi-state model showed shorter BCSS for CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers versus non-carriers also after accounting for CBC occurrence [HR (95% CI): 1.30 (1.09–1.56)]. Conclusion: Systemic therapy was associated with reduced CBC risk irrespective of CHEK2 c.1100delC status. Moreover, CHEK2 c.1100delC carriers had shorter BCSS, which appears not to be fully explained by their CBC risk.

TidsskriftCancer Medicine
Udgave nummer15
Sider (fra-til)16142-16162
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

ID: 396403046