Specific prediction of mortality by oxidative stress-induced damage to RNA vs. DNA in humans

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Modifications of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from oxidative stress is a potential driver of aging per se and of mortality in age-associated medical disorders such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). In a human cohort, we found a strong prediction of all-cause mortality by a marker of systemic oxidation of RNA in patients with T2D (n = 2672) and in nondiabetic control subjects (n = 4079). The finding persisted after the adjustment of established modifiers of oxidative stress (including BMI, smoking, and glycated hemoglobin). In contrast, systemic levels of DNA damage from oxidation, which traditionally has been causally linked to both T2D and aging, failed to predict mortality. Strikingly, these findings were subsequently replicated in an independent general population study (n = 3649). The data demonstrate a specific importance of RNA damage from oxidation in T2D and general aging.
TidsskriftAging Cell
Udgave nummer6
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
VDB was funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research/Medical Sciences, the Research Council of Vejle Hospital, the Department of Internal Medicine, Vejle Hospital, Vejle County, the Danish Research Fund, and the Lions Club International Denmark. GESUS was funded by the Region Zealand Foundation, Naestved Hospital Foundation, Naestved Municipality, Johan and Lise Boserup Foundation, TrygFonden, Johannes Fog's Foundation, Region Zealand, Naestved Hospital, The National Board of Health, and the Local Government Denmark Foundation. AJ received funding from Mental Heath Services, Capital Region of Denmark.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Aging Cell published by the Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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