Effects of 2-Year Nutritional and Lifestyle Intervention on Oxidative and Inflammatory Statuses in Individuals of 55 Years of Age and over at High Cardiovascular Risk

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  • Margalida Monserrat-Mesquida
  • Magdalena Quetglas-Llabrés
  • Cristina Bouzas
  • Silvia García
  • David Mateos
  • Cristina Gómez
  • José M. Gámez
  • Poulsen, Henrik Enghusen
  • Josep A. Tur
  • Antoni Sureda

Obesity and overweight are disorders with high impact on the morbidity and mortality of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). We aim to assess the effects of 2-year nutritional and lifestyle intervention on oxidative and inflammatory status in individuals of 55 years of age and over at high CVD risk. Participants (n = 100 individuals of 55 years of age and over living in the Balearic Islands, Spain) were randomized into control and intervention group. Anthropometric and haematological parameters, blood pressure and physical activity were measured before and after the intervention. Oxidative and inflammatory biomarkers in plasma, urine, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and neutrophils were determined. A higher reduction in abdominal obesity, blood pressure and triglycerides levels was observed after a 2-year intervention. An improvement of oxidative stress and proinflammatory status was demonstrated with a significant reduction in myeloperoxidase, xanthine oxidase, malondialdehyde and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP1) levels, and an increase in polyphenols in plasma was observed. A decrease in reactive oxygen species production in PBMCs and neutrophils levels after zymosan and lipopolysaccharide activation was found in the intervention group with respect to the control group. The intervention with hypocaloric Mediterranean Diet and customized physical activity improves oxidative stress and proinflammatory status and could contribute to decreasing the CVD risk.

Udgave nummer7
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Funding: Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038 and project PI20/00456), which are cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund. IDISBA Grants (FOLIUM, PRIMUS, SYNERGIA, and LIBERI). M.Q.-L.L. was funded by the IDISBA grant. C.B. was funded by a post-doctoral grant from the Directorate General of R+D of the Balearic Islands Government. The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses or interpretation of the data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.

Funding Information:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (CIBEROBN CB12/03/30038 and project PI20/00456), which are cofounded by the European Regional Develop-ment Fund. IDISBA Grants (FOLIUM, PRIMUS, SYNERGIA, and LIBERI). M.Q.-L.L. was funded by the IDISBA grant. C.B. was funded by a post-doctoral grant from the Directorate General of R+D of the Balearic Islands Government. The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses or interpretation of the data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.Acknowledgments: The authors especially thank the participants for their enthusiastic collaboration and the personnel for their outstanding support and exceptional efforts. CIBEROBN is an initiative of Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.

ID: 321972070