Mitochondrial DNA mutation load in a family with the m.8344A>G point mutation and lipomas: a case study

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  • Tina Dysgaard Jeppesen
  • Noor Al-Hashimi
  • Morten Duno
  • Flemming Wibrand
  • Grete Andersen
  • Vissing, John

Studies have shown that difference in mtDNA mutation load among tissues is a result of postnatal modification. We present five family members with the m.8344A>G with variable phenotypes but uniform intrapersonal distribution of mutation load, indicating that there is no postnatal modification of mtDNA mutation load in this genotype.

TidsskriftClinical Case Reports
Udgave nummer12
Sider (fra-til)2034-2039
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2017

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