The epidemiology of desmoid tumors in Denmark

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  • Marie Anneberg
  • Helene M.L. Svane
  • Jon Fryzek
  • Gina Nicholson
  • Jessica B. White
  • Badreddin Edris
  • L. Mary Smith
  • Naushin Hooda
  • Petersen, Michael Mørk
  • Thomas Baad-Hansen
  • Johnny Keller
  • Peter H. Jørgensen
  • Alma B. Pedersen

Introduction/aim: The epidemiology, demographic, clinical, treatment, and healthcare resource utilization (HRU) characteristics of desmoid tumor (DT) patients treated at two sarcoma centers in Denmark is described. Methods: Using Danish health registers, we studied DT patients treated at two sarcoma centers between 2009 and 2018. For each patient, ten persons from the general population were randomly matched on birth year, sex, and region of residence. Results: Of the 179 DT patients identified, 76% were female and the median patient age was 38 years at diagnosis (interquartile range: 31–50). An average annual incidence of DTs over the study period was 3.2 per 1000,000 individuals with the observed annual incidence of DTs ranging from 2.2 (2011) to 4.3 (2017) per 1000,000 individuals. No notable linear time trend in incidence was observed. Anatomical DT sites included extra-abdominal (49%), abdominal wall (40%), and intra-abdominal or retroperitoneal areas (8%). In total, 56% of patients were initially treated surgically. However, while 75% of patients diagnosed with DT between 2009 and 2014 were initially treated surgically, this was true for only 32% of patients diagnosed with DT between 2015 and 2018. A total of 56% of DT patients used chemotherapeutic agents, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, NSAIDs, opioids, antidepressants, or steroids at some point during the three years before their DT diagnoses. In contrast, 70% of surgically treated and 63% of non-surgically treated patients used one of these drugs in the subsequent three years, including NSAIDs (45% surgical vs. 33% non-surgical), opioids (39% surgical vs. 27% non-surgical), and steroids (22% surgical vs. 18% non-surgical). The average number of inpatient and outpatient visits, days of hospitalization, and additional surgical procedures were higher among DT patients than the comparison cohort. Conclusion: DTs are rare but have a large impact on patients’ health, HRU, and medication utilization.

TidsskriftCancer Epidemiology
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The study was partly supported by SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc. through an institutional grant to and administered by Aarhus University . JF, GN, NH, JBW, BE, LMS received a grant or are employed at SpringWorks and fulfilled co-authorship conditions.

Funding Information:
MAB, HMLS, ABP - Have no personal conflict of interest. JF, GN, NH - Received a grant from SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc. for this research. JBW, BE, LMS - Are employees or consultants of SpringWorks Therapeutics, Inc. TBH, JØK, PHJ, MMP - Have no personal conflict of interest.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Elsevier Ltd

ID: 299558916