Differential effects of increasing doses of alfa-trinositol on cerebral blood flow autoregulation

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The effect of neuropeptide Y inhibition with alpha-trinositol on the cerebral blood flow autoregulation was studied in Wistar Kyoto rats. alpha-Trinositol was tested in two doses: one dose (5 mg kg-1 hr-1) selectively affecting neuropeptide Y and one higher dose (50 mg kg-1 hr-1) affecting both neuropeptide Y and the adrenergic response. The cerebral blood flow was measured with the intracarotid 133xenon injection method in halothane nitrous oxide-anaesthetized animals. Blood pressure was raised by norepinephrine infusion and lowered by controlled haemorrhage in separate groups of rats. In addition we examined the effect of alpha-trinositol on neuropeptide Y-induced contraction of cerebral vessels in vitro. The in vitro study demonstrated inhibition of neuropeptide Y-induced contraction with a alpha-trinositol dose selective of neuropeptide Y. The in vivo study demonstrated that cerebral blood flow autoregulation was preserved after both doses of alpha-trinositol. alpha-Trinositol in the low neuropeptide Y-selective dose (5 mg kg-1 hr-1) did not affect the blood pressure limits of cerebral blood flow autoregulation, but the higher dose (50 mg kg-1 hr-1) of alpha-trinositol shifted the upper blood pressure limit of cerebral blood flow autoregulation towards lower blood pressures, an effect probably due to inhibition of both the adrenergic and neuropeptide Y systems.
TidsskriftBasic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)38-43
StatusUdgivet - 1997

ID: 216627